How Does It Work?


Join Jules and I in our weekly online old time session. We did a trial run of the session on the 24th March 2020 at the start of our Lockdown during the Covid pandemic and the session proved popular that we keep running them!

Tuesdays 8pm UK time.

Sundays Slow Jam 8pm UK time

at both sessions, Zoom ‘doors’ open for greetings 7.30pm.


There are TWO ways to get our code. Facebook or EVENTBRITE:

Facebook group:



Join us on Zoom (details below). Plug your device into some louder speakers, go get your instrument and join in!



We won’t be able to hear each other due to the delay latency on the internet, but you can hear us (or whoever is leading). In slow jams and the fear of making mistakes is no longer a problem as you can work out the tunes/chord in the comfort of not being heard… You just hear our mistakes instead! Between tunes we do warn everyone that we will unmute us on Zoom and then we can chat, feedback, have a laugh and request tunes etc. During tunes we will pop the mute back on and away we go! This is a necessary technical work-around with sessioning online, so please don’t take offence on being muted!


It is recommended that new visitors sign in to Zoom early at 7.30pm UK time before we start tunes. This is a great way to meet and introduce ourselves and each other. It can be overwhelming joining Zoom with strangers, but as a community we have learnt to make sure everyone is welcome so that this digital video communication is easier for everyone. During this half an hour, we can also help with any tech questions you might have.

After the session we leave Zoom running for a catch up and hang out or questions. We have people who use our session to meet old friends, or make new ones. It was a chance to meet safely during the Covid pandemic.

Don’t forget there are chat platforms on Zoom where I will see your messages. Please talk to us live in chat so that we know you are there and also please do ask us for tune requests!


Sunday’s slow jams does most of the time involve Jules on guitar and he will call out the chords as we go. 

The following Tuesday up to speed jams are in the same key as the Slow Jams for a chance to work on them.

Slow Jams are the same time 8pm UK time every Sunday and 7.30pm Zoom doors open for new visitors. 

If details change, please follow our Page here for latest announcements:


Su has worked a lot online as a teacher and done various media projects for the camera. She is the host, and has set up some basic rules on etiquette to make this session enjoyable rather than awkward.

We want to replicate the experience of physically being in a large room together sat in a circle. This means conversations are open and shared together in a group, creating a strong community.

UNMUTE BETWEEN TUNES: We have a regular 15 participants in our session and between tunes we unmute to make sure there is a conversation to be shared: we highly recommend that you unmute even if you do not say anything. This will make the experience much more pleasant and real for both you and everyone else… Yes.. even if you don’t say anything. We want to hear laughter, cats meowing, interesting buzzing noises and echoes, .. It makes things a bit more lively and entertaining than digital dead silence!

MUTE IF NOODLING OR TUNING: When sat in a circle, noodling quietly can be ok when people are talking, but sometimes this can be a problem. On Zoom noodling is a definite problem as it will cut out the conversation and on some devices it can be very loud so that some participants will not be able to hear the conversation or see who is talking.

NOODLE IF: there is awkward silence and no one is speaking, go ahead and noodle!!

FIDGETING: You don’t have to mute, but please be aware that even if you are in the comfort of your own room and the group are physically not present with you, there is a tendency to fidget! Moving the laptop, scratching the phone microphone, shuffling about. Just be aware that these noises can be loud, but also entertaining at the same time.

LISTEN: Some people have very quiet microphones, please listen out and try not to talk over each other.

GETTING A WORD IN: Sometimes you have to butt in but be aware if you are cutting people off.

SAYING GOODBYES: Try to say goodbyes and look out for each other if someone is leaving the room.



If you must, donations can be made on our PayPal link here below. Click the ‘Send’ button to make your donation.

Both Jules and I want to thank all those who have donated, and also people who donate regularly as well. We really did not expect the amount of support you have given us! But please don’t feel you have to donate if you can’t. Your donations are keeping this project going and the expenses covered so that we can provide something musical and fun to help each other get through this pandemic, so I want to thank your support that helps each other as well.